Monday, 2 June 2014

Mobile skins launch

Roundcube mobile skins have been launched!!!  With lustrous mobile friendly looks”

It feels an immense pleasure for the roundcube webmail users that is launching it first ever mobile skin interface with elegant user experience, "ATTITUDE". The support which you have shown to us against the desktop skin release motivated us to move towards the next step for the development of mobile version after the successful desktop versions; with the responsive elegant looks for Roundcube Webmail client and most roundcube webmail version support: 0.8.x, 0.9.x and newly released 1.0.1!!!

The has been developing the mobile theme from ground floor to make it compatible with mobile phones, smartphones and tablets; to provide the elegant look and feel. Our mobile skins will adjust the appearance depending upon whether they’re used on tablets or any smartphones. The smart login window, user friendly menus and smart inbox view on mobiles as well as on tablets, space-conserving layout on smartphones falls under some of the features list.

The most important thing that the skin is providing is the compatibility support for 1.x users and downward towards its ancestors. Moreover the skin has the glossy looks with retina icons and most importantly we have used the jQuery mobile user interface design.

"ATTITUDE" is a vibrant new skin with lots of great features. For more details, you can see a demo of it over here: - .  Enjoy mobile skinning………

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Jquery Mobile Roundcube Skins

“Roundcube mobile skins have been launched!!!  With lustrous mobile friendly looks”

roundcube mobile login image    
roundcube skins image         
roundcube skins image

roundcube skins image            
Roundcube inbox image           
Menu roundcube skins image

“Roundcube Mobile Skins have been launched!!! With lustrous mobile friendly looks” All Roundcube Skins are tested and are fully compatible with Roundcube 0.8.x, 0.9.x and newly released 1.0.1!!! We have included the Roundcube Skin for desktop, mobile and smartphone Live Demo: -

Roundcube Desktop Skins


We’re proud to announce that our Roundcube skins for desktop have been upgraded and are now fully compatible with Roundcube 0.8.x and New Stable Released 0.9.5!!! Our designed skins are backward-compatible and plugin friendly, so all our old and current clients are successfully upgraded with the new ones. All Roundcube skins are tested and are fully compatible with Roundcube 0.8.x & 0.9.x. We have included the skin bundle for Roundcube 0.9.x stable release as well. Soon we will be coming up with all our roundcubeskins compatible with 1.0 beta release of roundcube web mail. So keep visiting our site for updates!!!

Upcoming days we are going to launch the new and exceptionally elegant Mobile Roundcube skins for Roundcube 0.8.x and New Stable Released 0.9.x . We're very proud of our commitment to universal accessibility through our broad support for all popular platforms like- Apple iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Blackberry Playbook, Palm Web OS, Firebox Mobile, Opera Mobile, Nokia Symbian^3, Windows Mobile etc. .

We will soon launch the slick and metallic feel Mobile Skins. It’s already reached its beta level and under testing for more than 28 different mobile screens. But as per management schedule, we are going to launch few more Desktop Colorful Skins in series. So we will keep on updating  this blog related to the new skins and up gradations.

For more Details kindly visit this link- If needed, For any assistant or technical queries feel free to contact our Support Team.

Happy Colorful skin Roundcubing!!

Thanks & Regards
